after many years of enjoying cats in our home, the last one died about 3 months ago. We were deeply sadden by the loss. Shadow will be missed.

Now fast forward to June 28 2009, we had been looking for a new addition to the family. And started thinking about getting a dog this time around. Michael had been home on disability now since April 21 2009 and I was was only working part time. Michael wanted to wait at least a year before adding another pet to the family, but my heart was set on finding a Shih Tzu. Friends and family have this breed and we really enjoyed the spunk and personality ofr the breed.

I was looking daily on craigslist, kijjji and talking to family and friends about finding the perfect puppy. At the end of June I found 2 dogs that I wanted us to meet. The first one was very strange and could not bond with either of us nor would she listen to her master. I knew this was not the dog for us. We came back home and I went back online and found the cutest black and white 4 month old Shih Tzu and we arranged a meeting with the owner. Immediately there was a bond and we knew that this was going to the dog for us. After some negotiating and goofing off with the pup we brought him home with us. Michael named him Rousillon!! He is a joy and pleasure to have in the house and on the road with us.

Rousillon - Summer 2009

Rousillon - Summer 2009

This Sunday his previous owner and mom Zoe will be coming for dogie date (first one with his mom). Going to be interesting to see them connect and react. Rpusillon has been camping with us in June already and really enjoyed it very much.